515+ Hands-On ANSI C Project Ideas for Learning and Fun

Find simple and fun ANSI C project ideas for all skill levels. Learn, practice, and create useful programs to improve your coding skills.

Learning C programming is a great way to understand how computers work. ANSI C is a version of C used in many areas, like software and embedded systems. The best way to get better at C is by doing projects. It helps you apply what you’ve learned and solve real problems.

In this post, we’ll share ANSI C project ideas for all skill levels. Whether you’re just starting or already experienced, these projects will help you practice important C skills. From easy projects like a calculator to more advanced ones like a chat app, each project will help you improve.

Let’s dive in and explore these fun and helpful ANSI C project ideas!

ANSI C Project Ideas PDF

Why Choose ANSI C for Projects?

Here are the top reasons to choose ANSI C for projects:


  • C code works on many systems without needing big changes.
  • You can easily move your project between platforms.


  • C runs fast and uses less memory.
  • It helps you control how your program uses system resources.


  • C is easy to learn with a simple structure.
  • It focuses on the basics, making it beginner-friendly.


  • You can directly manage memory and data with pointers.
  • Good for tasks like working with hardware.

Wide Use

  • C is used in many areas, like embedded systems and operating systems.
  • It’s helpful in many industries, from tech to electronics.


  • C works with most compilers and systems.
  • You can mix C with other languages in bigger projects.


  • ANSI C ensures your code works consistently on different platforms.
  • It reduces errors between compilers.

Foundation for Other Languages

  • Many languages, like C++ and Python, are based on C.
  • Learning C helps you understand other languages better.

Large Community

  • C has been around a long time, so there are many resources to help you.
  • You can find tutorials and solutions online.

Low-Level Programming

  • C lets you work directly with hardware and system resources.
  • It’s often used in systems and small devices that need to be fast.

ANSI C is a great choice because it’s fast, flexible, and helps you learn important skills.

Ansi C Project Ideas

Here are some of the best Ansi C project ideas:

Basic Programming

  1. Basic Calculator Program
  2. Number Guessing Game
  3. Multiplication Table Generator
  4. Prime Number Checker
  5. Fibonacci Sequence Generator
  6. Factorial Calculator
  7. Armstrong Number Checker
  8. Reverse a String Program
  9. Palindrome Checker
  10. Sum of Natural Numbers


  1. Sort an Array in Ascending Order
  2. Find the Largest Element in an Array
  3. Find the Smallest Element in an Array
  4. Merge Two Arrays
  5. Rotate an Array
  6. Search for an Element in an Array
  7. Find the Frequency of Each Element in an Array
  8. Reverse an Array
  9. Remove Duplicate Elements from an Array
  10. Array Sum and Average Calculator


  1. Simple Calculator Using Functions
  2. Function to Check if a Number is Even or Odd
  3. Function to Find the GCD of Two Numbers
  4. Function to Find the LCM of Two Numbers
  5. Function to Calculate the Power of a Number
  6. Function to Count Digits in a Number
  7. Function to Find the Sum of Digits in a Number
  8. Function to Check for Leap Year
  9. Function to Convert Decimal to Binary
  10. Function to Find the Square Root of a Number


  1. Count Vowels and Consonants in a String
  2. Reverse a String Using Recursion
  3. Check if Two Strings are Anagrams
  4. Find the Length of a String Without Using strlen()
  5. Concatenate Two Strings
  6. Convert Lowercase to Uppercase in a String
  7. Remove All Whitespaces from a String
  8. Find the Frequency of a Character in a String
  9. Check if a String is Palindrome
  10. Convert a String to Title Case


  1. Program to Use Pointer for Swapping Two Numbers
  2. Pointer-Based String Copying
  3. Pointer to Array Implementation
  4. Pointer Arithmetic
  5. Program to Find Factorial Using Pointers
  6. Pointer-Based Matrix Multiplication
  7. Using Pointers for Sorting an Array
  8. Pointer to Function Example
  9. Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Pointers
  10. Program to Allocate Memory for an Array Using malloc()


  1. Create a Structure to Store Employee Details
  2. Structure to Represent a Date
  3. Structure to Store Student Information
  4. Structure to Store Book Details in a Library
  5. Program to Add Two Complex Numbers Using Structures
  6. Structure to Store Product Information
  7. Calculate Total Salary Using Structures
  8. Structure for Storing and Sorting Student Marks
  9. Program to Print a Structure of a Circle with Radius
  10. Structure for Storing Contact Information

File Handling

  1. Write and Read from a File
  2. Program to Copy One File to Another
  3. Count the Number of Words in a File
  4. Program to Append Text to a File
  5. File-Based Student Database Management System
  6. Program to Delete a File
  7. Find the Number of Lines in a Text File
  8. Write Data to a Binary File
  9. Program to Search for a Word in a File
  10. Create and Write Data into a CSV File

Sorting Algorithms

  1. Bubble Sort Implementation
  2. Selection Sort Implementation
  3. Insertion Sort Implementation
  4. Merge Sort Algorithm
  5. Quick Sort Algorithm
  6. Heap Sort Algorithm
  7. Radix Sort Algorithm
  8. Shell Sort Algorithm
  9. Count Sort Algorithm
  10. Comb Sort Algorithm

Searching Algorithms

  1. Linear Search Implementation
  2. Binary Search Implementation
  3. Jump Search Implementation
  4. Exponential Search Algorithm
  5. Interpolation Search Algorithm
  6. Fibonacci Search Algorithm
  7. Ternary Search Algorithm
  8. Search an Element in a Matrix
  9. Searching for Multiple Occurrences of an Element
  10. Searching for Missing Numbers in an Array


  1. Fibonacci Series Using Recursion
  2. Factorial Using Recursion
  3. Tower of Hanoi Problem
  4. Sum of Natural Numbers Using Recursion
  5. Find GCD Using Recursion
  6. Print a Number in Reverse Order Using Recursion
  7. Generate All Subsets of a Set Using Recursion
  8. Count Digits in a Number Using Recursion
  9. Reverse an Array Using Recursion
  10. Solve N-Queens Problem Using Recursion

Game Development

  1. Tic-Tac-Toe Game
  2. Hangman Game
  3. Number Guessing Game
  4. Snake Game Using Console
  5. Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
  6. Chess Game Implementation
  7. Memory Game with Pairs
  8. Connect Four Game
  9. Blackjack Card Game
  10. Pong Game in C

Database Management

  1. Create a Simple Database for Contacts
  2. Manage a Library Database with Books and Members
  3. Simple Student Record System
  4. Hospital Management System
  5. Inventory Management System
  6. Employee Payroll System
  7. Simple Online Store System
  8. School Management System
  9. Hotel Reservation System
  10. Banking System Using C

Data Structures

  1. Implement Linked List (Singly)
  2. Implement Doubly Linked List
  3. Stack Implementation Using Arrays
  4. Queue Implementation Using Arrays
  5. Circular Queue Implementation
  6. Binary Tree Implementation
  7. Binary Search Tree Implementation
  8. Graph Representation Using Adjacency Matrix
  9. Implement Hash Table
  10. Priority Queue Implementation


  1. Program to Solve Quadratic Equation
  2. Calculate Area of Shapes (Circle, Triangle, Rectangle)
  3. Program to Find Prime Numbers
  4. Calculate the Value of Pi Using Monte Carlo Method
  5. Program to Find the Sum of N Terms in Arithmetic Progression
  6. Check if a Number is Prime
  7. Program to Find LCM and GCD of Two Numbers
  8. Convert Roman Numerals to Integer
  9. Calculate Area and Perimeter of Different Geometric Shapes
  10. Program to Find the Square Root of a Number


  1. Simple Caesar Cipher
  2. Vigenère Cipher Implementation
  3. RSA Encryption and Decryption
  4. Implement a Simple Password Hashing Algorithm
  5. Simple Substitution Cipher
  6. XOR Cipher Program
  7. AES Encryption Program
  8. ElGamal Cryptosystem Implementation
  9. Hash Function Implementation
  10. Digital Signature Generation Using RSA


  1. Traffic Signal Simulation
  2. ATM Banking System Simulation
  3. Bank Transaction System Simulation
  4. Train Reservation System Simulation
  5. Traffic Control System Using Signals
  6. Elevator System Simulation
  7. Hospital Bed Availability Simulation
  8. Queue Simulation for Print Jobs
  9. Simple Air Traffic Control Simulation
  10. Computer Networking Packet Transmission Simulation

Sorting and Searching

  1. Bubble Sort with Visualization
  2. Merge Sort with Visualization
  3. Binary Search with Steps Displayed
  4. Radix Sort for Large Numbers
  5. Quick Sort with Recursion
  6. Selection Sort with Visualization
  7. Insertion Sort with Animation
  8. Linear Search with Step-by-Step Display
  9. Jump Search with Visualization
  10. Counting Sort with Animation

File Compression and Decompression

  1. Run-Length Encoding (RLE) Compression
  2. Huffman Coding for File Compression
  3. Simple ZIP File Compressor
  4. Create a Custom File Format
  5. File Decompression Program
  6. Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) Compression
  7. Create a Program for Text Compression
  8. Create a Program for Image Compression
  9. Compressing Large Files Using Multiple Threads
  10. Implement a Dictionary-Based Compression Algorithm

Multithreading and Concurrency

  1. Multi-threaded Web Server
  2. Program to Perform Matrix Multiplication Using Threads
  3. Bank Account Management System with Threads
  4. Implement a Producer-Consumer Problem Using Threads
  5. Create a Multi-threaded Chat Application
  6. Multi-threaded Sorting Algorithm
  7. Use of Mutex to Prevent Data Race
  8. Multi-threaded File Downloader
  9. Implement a Thread Pool for Task Management
  10. Multi-threaded Calculator Program

GUI Programming

  1. Simple GUI Calculator Program
  2. Personal Expense Tracker Application
  3. Create a Simple Text Editor in C
  4. To-Do List App with GUI
  5. Create a Digital Clock with GUI
  6. Notepad Clone in C
  7. Student Management System with GUI
  8. Create a Tic-Tac-Toe Game with GUI
  9. Simple Paint Program
  10. Image Viewer Application with GUI

Network Programming

  1. Simple Chat Application
  2. Create a TCP Client-Server Program
  3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client
  4. HTTP Web Server Implementation
  5. Simple Email Client Program
  6. Implement a Ping Utility in C
  7. Create a Basic DNS Client
  8. Simple Remote Desktop Application
  9. Simple FTP Server
  10. Create a Web Crawler in C

Operating Systems

  1. Implement a Shell Program
  2. Create a Simple File System
  3. Program to Simulate Memory Allocation
  4. Create a Simple Process Scheduler
  5. Implement Page Replacement Algorithms
  6. Simulate a Disk Scheduling Algorithm
  7. Create a Basic Command Line Interface (CLI)
  8. Implement Semaphore for Synchronization
  9. Create a Simple File Manager
  10. Simulate CPU Scheduling Algorithms

Artificial Intelligence

  1. Implement a Simple Neural Network
  2. Create a Tic-Tac-Toe AI
  3. Solve the N-Queens Problem Using Backtracking
  4. Implement a Simple Search Algorithm (DFS, BFS)
  5. Create a Sudoku Solver
  6. Build a Chatbot in C
  7. Implement Genetic Algorithm for Problem Solving
  8. Implement A* Search Algorithm
  9. Build a Simple Recommender System
  10. Implement a Decision Tree Algorithm


  1. Simple Banking System with Menu
  2. Personal Finance Tracker Application
  3. Create a Simple E-commerce Website Backend
  4. Program to Simulate a Bank ATM
  5. Develop a Currency Converter Program
  6. Simple Online Voting System
  7. Program to Solve Sudoku Puzzles
  8. Create a Calendar Program
  9. Alarm Clock Program
  10. Simple Address Book System


  1. Simple Physics Simulator
  2. Temperature Conversion Program
  3. Calculate Speed, Distance, and Time
  4. Program to Solve Chemical Equations
  5. Create a Simple Planetary Motion Simulator
  6. Program to Calculate pH Level of Solutions
  7. Simulate Planet Gravity Calculations
  8. Program to Convert Scientific Notation
  9. Chemical Element Lookup Program
  10. Simulate an Earthquake Richter Scale Calculator

Social Media

  1. Simple Social Media Platform
  2. Social Media Profile Page Creation
  3. Implement Basic Like/Share System
  4. Create a Newsfeed for Social Media
  5. Implement Social Media Authentication
  6. Create a Comment Section for Social Media
  7. Build a Messaging System for Social Media
  8. Implement a Friend Request System
  9. Create a Group Chat Application
  10. Implement Privacy Settings in Social Media

Web Scraping

  1. Scrape Job Listings from Websites
  2. Scrape News Articles from a Website
  3. Scrape Product Prices from an Online Store
  4. Create a Web Scraper to Track Weather
  5. Build a Web Scraper for Sports Scores
  6. Scrape Wikipedia Pages for Information
  7. Extract Stock Market Data Using a Web Scraper
  8. Scrape Movie Data from IMDb
  9. Build a Web Scraper for Real Estate Listings
  10. Scrape Restaurant Menus from a Website


  1. Build a Music Player
  2. Create a Playlist Management System
  3. Implement Audio File Converter
  4. Program to Analyze Audio Frequency
  5. Music Equalizer Implementation
  6. Create a Music Search Engine
  7. Program to Play MIDI Files
  8. Implement a Music Streaming Service Backend
  9. Program to Create a Simple Sound Mixer
  10. Audio Effects Program (Reverb, Echo, etc.)


  1. Simple Password Generator
  2. Encryption and Decryption Program
  3. Basic Firewall Implementation
  4. Program to Check for Weak Passwords
  5. Create a Simple Antivirus Program
  6. Implement a Two-Factor Authentication System
  7. Build a Secure File Storage System
  8. Simple Digital Signature Program
  9. Program to Detect Malware in Files
  10. Create a Basic File Encryption and Decryption Tool


  1. Program to Control a Robot Arm
  2. Create a Robot Navigation System
  3. Build a Simple Line Following Robot
  4. Program to Simulate a Robot Movement
  5. Build a Remote-Controlled Robot
  6. Implement Object Detection for Robots
  7. Create a Robot with Obstacle Avoidance
  8. Program a Robot to Follow Voice Commands
  9. Design a Robot to Pick and Place Objects
  10. Implement Path Planning for Robots


  1. Budget Management Application
  2. Investment Portfolio Tracker
  3. Loan Amortization Schedule Calculator
  4. Currency Exchange Rate Converter
  5. Stock Market Portfolio Management
  6. Financial Risk Analysis Program
  7. Simple Tax Calculation System
  8. Personal Expense Tracker
  9. Stock Price Prediction Using Data Analysis
  10. Retirement Planning Calculator


  1. Football Score Management System
  2. Basketball Scoreboard Program
  3. Create a Sports Score Prediction System
  4. Program to Track Player Performance
  5. Implement a Sports Event Management System
  6. Build a Sports Team Management System
  7. Scoreboard Program for Multiple Sports
  8. Create a Program for Fantasy Football
  9. Develop a Program to Track Athlete Statistics
  10. Program for Tournament Bracket Generation


  1. Recipe Finder and Management System
  2. Program for Nutritional Value Calculation
  3. Create a Grocery Shopping List
  4. Restaurant Menu Management System
  5. Implement a Food Delivery System
  6. Create a Simple Food Ordering System
  7. Program for Calorie Tracker
  8. Create a Program for Recipe Suggestions
  9. Build a Simple Food Review Application
  10. Program for Meal Planning and Tracking


  1. Medical Appointment Booking System
  2. Hospital Patient Management System
  3. Program for Prescription Tracking
  4. Build a Healthcare Monitoring System
  5. Implement a Medical Inventory System
  6. Personal Health Record System
  7. Disease Diagnosis Based on Symptoms
  8. Health Risk Assessment Calculator
  9. Implement a Hospital Billing System
  10. Program to Track Medicine Dosage


  1. Weather Forecasting Program
  2. Air Pollution Tracker Program
  3. Program to Calculate Carbon Footprint
  4. Build a Water Conservation System
  5. Simulate the Effects of Deforestation
  6. Environmental Awareness System
  7. Waste Management System
  8. Program to Track Recycling Efforts
  9. Greenhouse Gas Emission Tracker
  10. Sustainable Development Goal Tracker

ANSI C Project Ideas for File Handling

  1. Text File Reader and Writer
  2. CSV File Parser
  3. File Compression Tool
  4. Simple File Encryption Program
  5. File Merge Utility
  6. Log File Analyzer
  7. Backup and Restore System
  8. File Splitter and Joiner
  9. File Renaming Utility
  10. Search in Large Text File
  11. File Sorting Program
  12. Directory Traversing Tool
  13. Data Logger Program
  14. File Permission Management Tool
  15. Directory Compression Tool
  16. Simple Backup System for Files
  17. File Comparison Program
  18. Temporary File Management System
  19. File Integrity Checker
  20. Hex Editor Tool

ANSI C Project Ideas for Encryption and Security

  1. Caesar Cipher Program
  2. AES Encryption Implementation
  3. RSA Encryption Algorithm
  4. Digital Signature Generation Tool
  5. Hashing Algorithm Implementation
  6. Password Cracking Tool (Ethical)
  7. Simple Steganography Tool
  8. Secure File Transfer Protocol
  9. Key Generation System
  10. SSL/TLS Encryption
  11. Two-Factor Authentication Program
  12. Simple VPN Implementation
  13. Brute Force Password Cracker
  14. Symmetric Encryption Program
  15. Asymmetric Encryption System
  16. SSL Certificate Validator
  17. IP Spoofing Prevention Tool
  18. Public Key Cryptography Tool
  19. AES Decryption Program
  20. Email Encryption System

ANSI C Project Ideas for System Programming

  1. Shell Implementation
  2. Memory Management System
  3. Process Scheduler
  4. Simple File System
  5. Simple Operating System Kernel
  6. Virtual Memory Management
  7. Thread Synchronization Program
  8. Semaphore Implementation
  9. Resource Allocation System
  10. Dynamic Memory Allocation System
  11. System Call Implementation
  12. File I/O System
  13. Process Control Program
  14. Load Balancer Implementation
  15. Device Driver Development
  16. System Monitoring Tool
  17. Disk Scheduling Algorithms
  18. Memory Leaks Detection Tool
  19. CPU Scheduling Algorithms
  20. Page Replacement Algorithms

ANSI C Project Ideas for Simulation

  1. Queue Simulation (Banking)
  2. ATM Simulation System
  3. Traffic Light Simulation
  4. Train Reservation System
  5. Hospital Management System
  6. School Management System
  7. Student Database Simulation
  8. Library Management System
  9. Airline Reservation System
  10. E-commerce Shopping Cart Simulation
  11. Inventory Management Simulation
  12. Car Parking System Simulation
  13. Restaurant Ordering System
  14. Flight Booking System
  15. Online Payment Simulation
  16. Voting System Simulation
  17. Hotel Booking System
  18. Bank Account System Simulation
  19. Electricity Billing System
  20. Water Supply Management System

ANSI C Project Ideas for Sorting and Searching

  1. Binary Search Algorithm
  2. Bubble Sort Algorithm
  3. Insertion Sort Algorithm
  4. Merge Sort Algorithm
  5. Quick Sort Algorithm
  6. Selection Sort Algorithm
  7. Heap Sort Algorithm
  8. Radix Sort Algorithm
  9. Linear Search Algorithm
  10. Ternary Search Algorithm
  11. Counting Sort Algorithm
  12. Bucket Sort Algorithm
  13. Shell Sort Algorithm
  14. Binary Tree Search Algorithm
  15. B-tree Sorting Algorithm
  16. Fibonacci Search Algorithm
  17. Interpolation Search Algorithm
  18. Depth-First Search in Graph
  19. Breadth-First Search in Graph
  20. A Search Algorithm*

ANSI C Project Ideas for File Compression

  1. Basic Zip File Compression
  2. RLE Compression Algorithm
  3. Huffman Coding Compression
  4. LZW Compression Algorithm
  5. Tar File Creation Program
  6. File Archiving Program
  7. File Compression with Dictionary Encoding
  8. Audio File Compression Tool
  9. Image File Compression Tool
  10. Video File Compression Tool
  11. Lossless Compression System
  12. Lossy Compression Tool
  13. Simple Compression Program for Text Files
  14. Multi-File Compression Program
  15. File Decompression Tool
  16. Web File Compression Utility
  17. Audio and Video Stream Compression
  18. Image Format Conversion with Compression
  19. Data Deduplication Program
  20. Compression Algorithm Benchmarking Tool

ANSI C Project Ideas for Artificial Intelligence

  1. Simple AI for Tic-Tac-Toe Game
  2. Mini Chess Engine in C
  3. Pathfinding Algorithm (A)*
  4. Simple Chatbot Program
  5. Genetic Algorithm Implementation
  6. Decision Tree Learning
  7. N-Queens Problem Solver
  8. Sudoku Solver with AI
  9. AI-based Recommendation System
  10. Speech Recognition System
  11. Natural Language Processing (NLP) System
  12. Autonomous Vehicle Navigation Simulation
  13. Robotic Arm Simulation with AI
  14. Image Classification with AI
  15. AI-based Game AI (e.g., Chess)
  16. Facial Recognition with AI
  17. Sentiment Analysis with AI
  18. Speech to Text Conversion
  19. Reinforcement Learning Implementation
  20. AI-based Text Generation

ANSI C Project Ideas for Mathematical Programs

  1. Prime Number Generator
  2. Fibonacci Sequence Calculator
  3. Factorial Calculator
  4. Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) Calculator
  5. Least Common Multiple (LCM) Calculator
  6. Matrix Multiplication Program
  7. Solving Linear Equations
  8. Trigonometric Functions Calculator
  9. Quadratic Equation Solver
  10. Pythagorean Theorem Calculator

Tips for Successfully Completing ANSI C Projects

Here are some easy tips for your ANSI C projects:

Understand the Basics

  • Learn key concepts like variables, loops, and functions.
  • Practice with arrays, pointers, and memory management.
  • Understand how C handles data and memory.

Plan Before You Code

  • Break your project into small, simple tasks.
  • Draw a diagram to see how everything fits together.
  • Know what your project needs before you start coding.

Write Clean Code

  • Keep your code neat with good spacing and easy-to-read names.
  • Use comments to explain tricky parts of your code.
  • Stay organized to make your code easier to understand later.

Test Often

  • Run your code often to find problems early.
  • Test different cases, including unusual or extreme ones.
  • Try unit testing to check small parts of your code.

Use a Good Compiler

  • Use a solid C compiler like GCC or Clang.
  • Check for any warnings or errors when you compile.
  • Use the compiler’s debugging features to find issues.

Manage Memory Carefully

  • Be careful with memory. Always match allocation (malloc) with free.
  • Watch for memory leaks, which can slow your program down.
  • Avoid accessing memory that you shouldn’t, like out-of-bounds arrays.

Use Debugging Tools

  • Use debugging tools like GDB to find where things go wrong.
  • Print out variable values to track down bugs.
  • Use IDEs with built-in debugging features to make things easier.

Practice Modular Programming

  • Break your project into small functions, each doing one job.
  • Keep functions simple and focused on one task.
  • Organize your code with header files to keep things tidy.

Optimize Your Code

  • After your code works, look for ways to make it faster or use less memory.
  • Use efficient algorithms to save time and space.
  • Reuse code where possible to reduce repetition.

Ask for Help

  • Join online communities like Stack Overflow to get help.
  • Ask classmates or mentors if you’re stuck on something.
  • Learn by reading other people’s code and seeing how they solve problems.

Following these tips will help you stay on track, fix mistakes quickly, and make your ANSI C projects run smoothly.

C Programming Projects for Students

Here are some of the best C programming projects for students:

Simple Calculator

Materials: C compiler


  • Ask the user for two numbers.
  • Let the user choose an operation (add, subtract, multiply, divide).
  • Show the result of the operation.

Outcome: A basic calculator that performs simple arithmetic.

Palindrome Checker

Materials: C compiler


  • Get a string or number from the user.
  • Check if the string or number is the same forwards and backwards.
  • Show if it’s a palindrome or not.

Outcome: A program that checks if a word or number is the same backward.

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Materials: C compiler


  • Create a 3×3 game board.
  • Let two players take turns placing X or O.
  • Check for a winner after each move.

Outcome: A simple two-player Tic-Tac-Toe game.

Student Grading System

Materials: C compiler


  • Ask for student name and grades.
  • Calculate the average grade.
  • Display the grade and average.

Outcome: A system to calculate and show student grades.

Bank Management System

Materials: C compiler


  • Let users check their balance.
  • Allow deposits and withdrawals.
  • Keep a simple record of transactions.

Outcome: A basic bank system to manage accounts.

Library Management System

Materials: C compiler


  • Create a list of books with details.
  • Allow books to be checked out and returned.
  • Track which books are available or borrowed.

Outcome: A system to manage books in a library.

ATM Simulator

Materials: C compiler


  • Let users log in with a PIN.
  • Show balance, allow deposits, and withdrawals.
  • Display transaction history.

Outcome: A simple ATM simulation.

Prime Number Checker

Materials: C compiler


  • Ask the user to enter a number.
  • Check if the number is prime.
  • Optionally, list all primes within a range.

Outcome: A program that checks if a number is prime.

Temperature Converter

Materials: C compiler


  • Ask the user to enter a temperature.
  • Convert the temperature between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.
  • Display the converted temperature.

Outcome: A program that converts temperatures.

File Handling System

Materials: C compiler


  • Allow users to create and write to files.
  • Let users read from and delete files.
  • Manage file content.

Outcome: A simple program to manage files.

Ansi C Project Ideas for Beginners

Here are simple ANSI C project ideas for beginners:

Simple Calculator

  • Purpose: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers.
  • Skills: Input/output, basic math.

Number Guessing Game

  • Purpose: Guess a random number with hints.
  • Skills: Random numbers, loops.

Even or Odd Checker

  • Purpose: Check if a number is even or odd.
  • Skills: Modulus operator.

Simple Interest Calculator

  • Purpose: Calculate simple interest.
  • Skills: Basic math.

Prime Number Checker

  • Purpose: Check if a number is prime.
  • Skills: Loops, conditionals.

Multiplication Table Generator

  • Purpose: Show multiplication tables.
  • Skills: Loops.

Basic Alarm Clock

  • Purpose: Set and display an alarm time.
  • Skills: Time handling, loops.

Temperature Converter

  • Purpose: Convert temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
  • Skills: Math.

Simple Bank Account System

  • Purpose: Deposit and withdraw money.
  • Skills: Functions, conditionals.

Counting Vowels and Consonants

  • Purpose: Count vowels and consonants in a string.
  • Skills: Strings, loops.

These projects are easy for beginners to learn C programming basics.


In conclusion, working on ANSI C projects is a great way to learn programming. Simple projects like a calculator or number guessing game help you practice basic skills like using loops and math. These projects are easy to start and will build your confidence.

As you complete them, you’ll get better at coding and problem-solving. You can also expand these projects as you learn more. Start with these simple ideas and enjoy the process!

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