85+ Awesome Third Grade Science Project Ideas

Discover easy third grade science science project ideas! Fun experiments and creative ideas that make learning science exciting and simple for kids.

Looking for fun and easy science projects for third graders? You’re in the right place! These simple experiments are perfect for learning science in a fun way. Kids can try things like growing plants or seeing how objects float. They’ll use everyday materials and have fun exploring new ideas.

Whether it’s testing gravity, making a volcano, or watching plants grow, these projects are easy and exciting. Let’s get started with some fun science ideas for third graders!

Third Grade Science Project Ideas PDF

What is science for 3rd grade?

Science for 3rd grade helps kids learn about the world around them. They study things like plants, animals, weather, and how things move. Students do simple experiments, ask questions, and explore how things grow and change.

They might see how plants grow, learn about the weather, or test which objects float or sink. The goal is to make learning fun and help kids discover new things!

Benefits for Third Graders

Here are some benefits of science project ideas for third graders:

  1. Sparks Curiosity – Helps kids ask questions and explore new things.
  2. Develops Problem-Solving – Teaches kids how to find answers.
  3. Hands-On Learning – Makes learning fun with experiments.
  4. Improves Understanding – Helps kids understand science better.
  5. Builds Confidence – Makes kids feel proud when they finish a project.
  6. Encourages Creativity – Lets kids come up with new ideas.
  7. Teaches Teamwork – Helps kids work well with others.
  8. Prepares for the Future – Inspires kids to be interested in science.
  9. Improves Communication – Helps kids explain what they learned.
  10. Makes Learning Fun – Science projects make learning exciting!

Third Grade Science Project Ideas

Here are some third grade science project ideas:

Plant Growth

Seed Germination

  • Materials Needed: Seeds (e.g., bean), soil, pots, water, sunlight
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Plant seeds in pots with soil.
    2. Water them daily and place in sunlight.
    3. Watch the seeds grow into plants.

Effect of Light on Plant Growth

  • Materials Needed: Pots, soil, seeds, flashlight
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Plant seeds in two pots.
    2. Place one in sunlight and the other in the dark.
    3. Compare the plant growth.

Different Soil Types

  • Materials Needed: Various soils, seeds, pots
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Plant seeds in different soil types.
    2. Water them and observe growth.
    3. Compare which soil helps plants grow best.

Watering Plants

  • Materials Needed: Water, plants, measuring cup
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Water plants with different amounts of water each day.
    2. Observe which amount helps the plants grow better.

Photosynthesis in Action

  • Materials Needed: Small plants, light, water
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place plants in sunlight.
    2. Observe how they use sunlight to grow and release oxygen.

Growing Plants in Different Temperatures

  • Materials Needed: Pots, seeds, thermometer
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Plant seeds in pots.
    2. Place them in warm and cool areas.
    3. Observe how temperature affects plant growth.

Plant Growth Without Water

  • Materials Needed: Pots, soil, seeds
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Plant seeds in two pots.
    2. Water one pot and leave the other dry.
    3. Compare how the plants grow.

Growing Plants in the Dark

  • Materials Needed: Pots, soil, seeds, box
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Plant seeds in pots.
    2. Keep one pot in a dark box and the other in sunlight.
    3. Compare how plants grow with and without light.

Comparing Different Fertilizers

  • Materials Needed: Pots, soil, seeds, different fertilizers
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Plant seeds in pots with different fertilizers.
    2. Water them and observe how they grow.

Plant Growth and Music

  • Materials Needed: Plants, music player
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Play different types of music near plants.
    2. Observe how the plants react to the music.

Animal Behavior

Observing Ants

  • Materials Needed: Ant farm or container, ants
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place ants in a container or ant farm.
    2. Watch how they build tunnels and move.
    3. Record what they do each day.

Bird Watching

  • Materials Needed: Notebook, binoculars, bird guide
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Use binoculars to observe birds.
    2. Write down the types of birds you see.
    3. Research the birds and their behavior.

Fish in Different Conditions

  • Materials Needed: Fish tank, thermometer, fish
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place fish in tanks with different temperatures.
    2. Observe how the fish behave in warm vs. cool water.

Dog Training Reaction

  • Materials Needed: Dog treats, dog
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Teach a dog simple commands like “sit.”
    2. Observe how long it takes the dog to learn each command.

Mimicking Animal Sounds

  • Materials Needed: Recording device
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Record sounds made by different animals.
    2. Try to copy the sounds.
    3. Observe how animals react to the sounds.

Frog Life Cycle Observation

  • Materials Needed: Tadpoles, tank, leaves
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Watch tadpoles grow into frogs.
    2. Record each stage of the life cycle.

Bee Behavior and Flowers

  • Materials Needed: Flowers, bees
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Observe bees flying around flowers.
    2. Watch how bees collect nectar.

Butterfly Lifecycle

  • Materials Needed: Butterfly larvae, tank
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Watch caterpillars grow into butterflies.
    2. Record the stages of their transformation.

Animal Tracks

  • Materials Needed: Paper, charcoal
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Find animal tracks outside.
    2. Use paper and charcoal to make prints of the tracks.

Insect Observation

  • Materials Needed: Magnifying glass, insects
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Catch insects and observe them through a magnifying glass.
    2. Record their behavior.

Weather and Seasons

Cloud Observation

  • Materials Needed: Cloud chart, notebook
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Watch clouds each day.
    2. Record what type of clouds you see.
    3. Use a cloud chart to identify the types.

Rain Gauge

  • Materials Needed: Plastic container, ruler
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place the container outside to catch rain.
    2. Measure the amount of rain that falls.

Wind Direction

  • Materials Needed: Windsock, string
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Attach a windsock to a string.
    2. Observe and record which way the wind blows.

Water Evaporation

  • Materials Needed: Shallow dish, water
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place water in a shallow dish.
    2. Watch how it evaporates over time in a sunny spot.

Temperature Change and Plant Growth

  • Materials Needed: Thermometer, pots, seeds
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Grow plants in different temperature areas.
    2. Observe how temperature affects plant growth.

Making a Weather Vane

  • Materials Needed: Straw, paper, pin, cardboard
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Make a weather vane using paper and cardboard.
    2. Place it outside and observe the wind direction.

Tornado in a Bottle

  • Materials Needed: Two plastic bottles, tape, water
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Fill one bottle with water.
    2. Tape the second bottle upside down on the first one.
    3. Swirl the bottle to make a tornado.

Snowflake Patterns

  • Materials Needed: Paper, scissors, cotton
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Cut snowflakes out of paper.
    2. Observe the patterns and symmetry of the snowflakes.

Predicting Weather with Clouds

  • Materials Needed: Cloud chart, notebook
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Observe clouds for a week.
    2. Record the type of clouds.
    3. Predict the weather based on the clouds.

Sunshine and Plant Growth

  • Materials Needed: Plant, measuring cup, water
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Grow a plant in sunlight and one in the shade.
    2. Measure and compare their growth.

Matter and Materials

Floating and Sinking

  • Materials Needed: Water, various objects
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Drop different objects in water.
    2. Observe which objects float and which sink.

Solids, Liquids, and Gases

  • Materials Needed: Ice cubes, water, balloon
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Watch ice cubes melt into water.
    2. Heat the water to create steam.

Mixing Liquids

  • Materials Needed: Water, oil, food coloring
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Mix oil and water in a clear container.
    2. Watch them separate and discuss why.

Density with Liquids

  • Materials Needed: Honey, water, oil, food coloring
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Pour different liquids into a jar (starting with the heaviest).
    2. Observe how they layer based on density.

Homemade Lava Lamp

  • Materials Needed: Oil, water, food coloring, fizzing tablets
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Fill a jar with water, then oil.
    2. Add food coloring and fizzing tablets.
    3. Watch the bubbles form.

Water Surface Tension

  • Materials Needed: Water, paper clips, tray
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Gently place paper clips on the surface of water.
    2. Observe how they float due to surface tension.

Freezing Point of Liquids

  • Materials Needed: Water, salt, ice
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Freeze water without and with salt.
    2. Observe how salt affects the freezing point.

Crystal Formation

  • Materials Needed: Salt, water, jar
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Mix salt and water in a jar.
    2. Let the water evaporate and watch crystals form.

Vaporization of Water

  • Materials Needed: Pot, water, heat source
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Heat water and observe it turning to steam.

Growing Sugar Crystals

  • Materials Needed: Sugar, water, jar, string
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Dissolve sugar in water.
    2. Hang a string in the solution and watch sugar crystals grow.

Energy and Forces

Pendulum Motion

  • Materials Needed: String, small weight
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Tie a weight to a string.
    2. Swing it and observe how it moves back and forth.

Friction Experiment

  • Materials Needed: Ramp, different materials
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Slide objects down a ramp with different surfaces.
    2. Observe how friction slows down movement.

Magnet Strength

  • Materials Needed: Magnets, paperclips
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Use magnets to pick up paperclips.
    2. Test how many paperclips different magnets can pick up.

Balloon Static Electricity

  • Materials Needed: Balloon, cloth, small paper bits
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Rub a balloon on your hair or cloth.
    2. Hold it near small paper bits and observe them move.

Building a Water Wheel

  • Materials Needed: Plastic cups, straws, glue
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Build a water wheel using cups and straws.
    2. Pour water over it and observe how it turns.

Simple Machines

  • Materials Needed: Inclined plane, lever, pulley
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Build and test simple machines to lift objects.
    2. Compare which machine makes it easier.

Solar Energy and Water Heating

  • Materials Needed: Solar panel, small pump, container of water
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Use the solar panel to heat water with sunlight.
    2. Observe how the water temperature rises.

Wind Power

  • Materials Needed: Small wind turbine, fan
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Use a fan to blow wind onto a small wind turbine.
    2. Measure how much power it generates.

Build a Paper Rocket

  • Materials Needed: Paper, tape, straw
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Build a rocket from paper.
    2. Launch it using a straw and measure how far it flies.

Gravity and Water Flow

  • Materials Needed: Water, pipes
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Test how water flows down at different angles.
    2. Observe how gravity affects the flow of water.

Light and Sound

Refraction with Water

  • Materials Needed: Glass of water, pencil
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place a pencil in a glass of water.
    2. Observe how the pencil appears bent due to light refraction.

Shadow Experiment

  • Materials Needed: Flashlight, objects, screen
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Shine a flashlight on different objects.
    2. Observe how the size and shape of the shadow change.

Sound Waves with a Balloon

  • Materials Needed: Balloon, string
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Stretch a balloon tightly and tie it to a string.
    2. Tap the balloon and observe how sound travels along the string.

Color Mixing with Light

  • Materials Needed: Flashlights, colored filters
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Shine red, green, and blue light on a white surface.
    2. Observe how mixing different lights creates new colors.

Music from Water Glasses

  • Materials Needed: Water, glasses
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Fill glasses with different levels of water.
    2. Tap the glasses to create musical notes.

Sound and Vibration

  • Materials Needed: Metal tray, sand
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place sand on a metal tray and vibrate it with sound.
    2. Observe the patterns formed by the sand.

Vibrating String and Sound

  • Materials Needed: String, box, rubber band
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Stretch a rubber band over a box.
    2. Pluck it to create sound and observe the vibrations.

Light Reflection with Mirrors

  • Materials Needed: Mirrors, flashlight
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Shine a flashlight at a mirror.
    2. Observe how the light reflects off the mirror.

Perception of Sound

  • Materials Needed: Headphones, sound files
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Play different sounds through headphones.
    2. Observe how your brain interprets sounds.

Light and Dark Zones

  • Materials Needed: Flashlight, opaque materials
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Shine light through different materials.
    2. Observe how different materials block or allow light through.

Biology and Plants

Photosynthesis Experiment

  • Materials Needed: Plant, sunlight, glass jar
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place a plant in direct sunlight.
    2. Observe how it uses light to make food.

Germination of Seeds

  • Materials Needed: Seeds, soil, water
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Plant seeds in soil and water them.
    2. Observe how the seeds grow over time.

Growing Plants in Different Conditions

  • Materials Needed: Seeds, water, light, containers
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place seeds in different conditions (light, dark, wet, dry).
    2. Observe how each condition affects growth.

Plant Color Changes with Water

  • Materials Needed: White flowers, food coloring, water
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Add food coloring to water.
    2. Observe how the flowers change color as they absorb the water.

Dissecting a Flower

  • Materials Needed: Flower, scissors, magnifying glass
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Dissect the flower to observe its parts.
    2. Identify the stamen, pistil, and petals.

Seed Dispersal

  • Materials Needed: Seeds, wind, water
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Drop seeds into water and blow wind on them.
    2. Observe how seeds are carried by wind and water.

Plant Growth Under Different Light Conditions

  • Materials Needed: Plants, light bulbs, sunlight
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Grow plants under sunlight and artificial light.
    2. Observe the differences in growth.

Plant Response to Touch

  • Materials Needed: Mimosa plant
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Gently touch the leaves of a Mimosa plant.
    2. Observe how the leaves react by folding up.

Growing Mold

  • Materials Needed: Bread, plastic bag, warm place
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place bread in a warm, moist environment.
    2. Observe how mold begins to grow over time.

Investigating Plant Respiration

  • Materials Needed: Plants, water, light
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place plants in different light conditions.
    2. Observe how they breathe by releasing oxygen.

Chemistry and Reactions

Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano

  • Materials Needed: Baking soda, vinegar, container
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place baking soda in a container.
    2. Pour vinegar over it and watch the reaction.

Elephant Toothpaste

  • Materials Needed: Hydrogen peroxide, yeast, dish soap
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Mix hydrogen peroxide with yeast and dish soap.
    2. Observe the foam explosion.

Invisible Ink

  • Materials Needed: Lemon juice, heat source
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Write with lemon juice on paper.
    2. Heat the paper to reveal the message.

Homemade Slime

  • Materials Needed: Glue, baking soda, contact solution
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Mix glue and baking soda.
    2. Add contact solution and watch it turn into slime.

Crystal Growing with Borax

  • Materials Needed: Borax, hot water, string
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Dissolve borax in hot water.
    2. Place a string in the solution and observe crystals grow.

Cabbage Juice pH Indicator

  • Materials Needed: Cabbage juice, vinegar, baking soda
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Extract juice from cabbage.
    2. Add vinegar and baking soda to observe color changes.

Iron and Rusting

  • Materials Needed: Iron nails, water, container
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Place iron nails in water.
    2. Observe how the nails rust over time.

Density Tower with Liquids

  • Materials Needed: Oil, water, syrup, food coloring
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Layer different liquids based on their densities.
    2. Observe how the liquids stay separate.

Color Changing Milk

  • Materials Needed: Milk, food coloring, dish soap
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Add food coloring to milk.
    2. Add dish soap and watch the colors swirl.

The Chemical Reaction of Alka-Seltzer

  • Materials Needed: Alka-Seltzer, water, container
  • Steps to follow:
    1. Drop Alka-Seltzer into water.
    2. Observe the fizzing reaction.

Choosing the Right Project

Here are some tips for choosing the right science project:

  1. Pick What’s Interesting – Choose something the child is curious about.
  2. Keep It Simple – Choose a project that is easy to understand.
  3. Check Materials – Make sure the materials are easy to find and affordable.
  4. Try Hands-On Projects – Experiments are fun and help learn better.
  5. Think About Time – Pick a project that can be done in a reasonable amount of time.
  6. Match Skills – Choose a project that fits the child’s abilities.
  7. Make It Fun – The project should be exciting and enjoyable.
  8. Learn Something New – Choose a project that teaches something interesting.

Gathering Materials

Here’s how to gather materials for a science project:

  1. Make a List – Write down what you need.
  2. Check at Home – See if you already have the items.
  3. Go to the Store – Buy anything you don’t have.
  4. Use Easy Items – Choose materials that are simple and safe.
  5. Ask for Help – Get help from a parent or teacher if needed.
  6. Organize – Keep everything ready and easy to use.

Setting Up a Science Journal

Here’s how to set up a science journal:

  1. Get a Notebook – Use a blank notebook to write and draw in.
  2. Title It – Write the project title on the first page.
  3. Make Sections – Split the journal into parts like “Hypothesis,” “Materials,” “Procedure,” and “Results.”
  4. Write the Date – Start each entry with the date.
  5. Record Observations – Write down what you see or notice.
  6. Draw Pictures – Add drawings to show what’s happening.
  7. Write Results – Note what happened and what you learned.
  8. Reflect – Write what worked well and what you could improve.

What is a good science project for a third grader?

Here are some simple science project ideas for third graders:

  1. Grow Plants – See how plants grow with different water or light.
  2. Baking Soda and Vinegar – Watch a fun eruption happen.
  3. Floating and Sinking – See what floats or sinks in water.
  4. Magnet Fun – Test what magnets attract or push away.
  5. Make a Rainbow – Make a rainbow with water and a flashlight.
  6. Weather Station – Track the weather with a homemade thermometer.
  7. Invisible Ink – Write secret messages with lemon juice.

These projects are fun and easy to do!

Third Grade Science Project Ideas Biology

Here are some easy biology projects for third graders:

Plant Growth

  • See how plants grow with different sunlight or water.
  • Materials: Seeds, soil, pots, water, light.
  • Watch the plants grow.

Butterfly Life Cycle

  • Watch a butterfly change from egg to caterpillar to butterfly.
  • Materials: Butterfly larvae, container, food.
  • Observe the stages.

Magnet and Plants

  • Test if magnets help plants grow.
  • Materials: Plants, magnets, soil, water.
  • Compare plant growth.

Food Chain

  • Make a food chain with animals and plants.
  • Materials: Pictures of animals and plants.
  • Show how animals eat plants or other animals.

Animal Groups

  • Sort animals into groups like mammals, birds, and fish.
  • Materials: Animal pictures or drawings.
  • Group animals by what they are.

Bacteria Growth

  • See how bacteria grow on different surfaces.
  • Materials: Petri dishes, cotton swabs.
  • Watch bacteria grow.

Seed Growth

  • See how seeds grow in different places (dark vs. light, wet vs. dry).
  • Materials: Seeds, soil, pots, light.
  • Check which seeds grow best.

These projects are easy and fun for learning about biology!


In conclusion, these third-grade science project ideas are fun and easy ways to learn about biology. You can grow plants, watch a butterfly change, or learn how animals fit into food chains. You can also test if magnets help plants grow or see how bacteria grow.

Pick a project that you like, gather your materials, and start experimenting! These projects will help you understand how living things grow and change while having fun with science.

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